
Way Cool (one shot wednesday, week 44)

Art by sarah joncas http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/distressed-beauty-artist
My love grows red and hangs from legs like fruit
of forests dark and dusted white by snow
 in late December light. 
                                       She’s not a sin
like Adam ate when Eve believed the tongue
of serpents wile. 
                            Her cherry dress does not
reveal secret tattoos of panther paws
on thighs so long beneath high tights of red
and white bold stripes. 
                                      She whispers soft from lips
she’s licked to keep them moist so she can kiss
my neck and say she loves me from her heart.
My Fav’rite fruit
                             hangs upside down
in forests dark
                         from limbs by knees
in dresses red
                        in snow so white
to prove to me
                        her love is right,
and ripe for life;
                          forever bright,
and proud to be
                          my wife.
Her love is so, way cool.

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