
My Dreams Keep Me Awake

My dreams keep me awake
So lost in sheets of sweat
In knots of silk with frowns
In darkness waves I drown
So tossed
So lost
So round in squares of doubt

My dreams
Keep me


For Gay Cannon’s prompt at dVerse Poets Pub


18 thoughts on “My Dreams Keep Me Awake

  1. even with doubts….it is good to still dream you know…i like the sound of tossed and lost together…even worked in some nice allit henry…i could think worse things than dreams to keep me awake too…

  2. Dreams do keep us on edge sometimes don’t they…I had one make me sleep in this morning. I do love your effective use of the poetic tools, the going round in squares of doubt…like that!

  3. Henry, I really like the intensity of this. Your words evoke such raw emotion, as well as an anguishing physicality. Hold true to that passion, it will lead you to those dreams. 🙂

  4. ..dreams keep us awake — true that… but not always meant to be that way… it must make you move and know you’re not just left dreaming but rather living on it… smiles…

  5. Night terror sufferer…go figure! Yes…the sleeves on my jacket get longer every season…nightmare keep me awake…but my dreams don’t let them win. As always, the music and rhythm pour from your words. It’s been quite an adventure 🙂 My apologies for being so absent…but my new collection comes out tomorrow..edits and promo have meant I haven’t been a very good reader! I beg forgiveness…and look forward to returning to normal!

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